I love to inspire those around me to seek a deeper connection and understanding of their life's journey. When you become stuck or are unsure of your next steps, sometimes reading the right words can give you a new perspective and breathe life into your actions to create a better existence for yourself! These are my inspirational words to you, that I have shared over the last few years to provide comfort and knowledge that I have gained over my many years of life. If at least one of my quotes has moved you, than I am happy to have been a part of your journey! Please enjoy my "Top 50 Quotes" and share with anyone who is looking for the right words to express their voice and motivate them to keep going.

1. “This world is full of wonder, you just have to be willing to seek it out.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
2. "Inner peace is more important than reacting to other's expectations."
-Nancy B. Urbach
3. “The future may not be clear, but if you take it one step at a time you will make it through the fog.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
4. "Find that POSITIVE to hold on to when you're losing control. It will help ground you and bring you clarity."
-Nancy B. Urbach
5. "Invite peaceful space into your life and remove negative energy."
-Nancy B. Urbach
6. “Your scars do not define you”
-Nancy B. Urbach
7. “Spending time with yourself is needed to quiet the other voices in your life, so you can hear your own.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
8. “You will never fully know the struggles others are facing, so choose to lead with kindness.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
9. “I realized how many of the memories that I had are still shaping my life.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
10. “Everyone is a stranger until you choose to meet them.”
-Nancy B. Urbach

11. "Knowing and loving who you are is one of the most important lessons I have learned in this life!"
-Nancy B. Urbach
12. “The first and the most important relationship in life is the one we have with ourselves.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
13. “Sometimes old memories can stop you from making new ones. Let go of the bad to make way for the possible.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
14. “Have consideration for your feelings, they are there for a reason.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
15. “Take control of your thoughts and work towards generating positive responses.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
16. “Breathe in the calm and relax your mind before making big decisions.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
17. “I will not allow myself to be controlled by memories. I can start fresh today!”
-Nancy B. Urbach
18. “I can understand my choices today because I have faced all my yesterdays with understanding.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
19. “What fun it is to think about the things that make you feel good about yourself!”
-Nancy B. Urbach
20. “Write down your goals every time you feel like you are losing focus, to remind yourself what you are fighting so hard for.”
-Nancy B. Urbach

21. “If today breaks you down, know that tomorrow will bring you a new beginning."
-Nancy B. Urbach
22. "Just because you don't see immediate results, doesn't mean you're not making progress."
-Nancy B. Urbach
23. "Explore and discover not just nature but yourself as well."
-Nancy B. Urbach
24. "Be grateful for the good things in your life."
-Nancy B. Urbach
25. "Those moments that put you one hold and require you to have patience, can lead to a deeper awareness of your life."
-Nancy B. Urbach
26. "When it's too much...don't be afraid to take a step back and take care of you!"
-Nancy B. Urbach
27. "Inspiration finds me when the night is still and the stars appear in the desert sky."
-Nancy B. Urbach
28. "The past can stop you in your tracks and cause you to reflect, but don't get stuck there. Take what positives you can and put that wisdom towards today's decisions."
-Nancy B. Urbach
29. "Our stories are full of memories that we can choose to relive or grow from."
-Nancy B. Urbach
30. "You can alter your path by making small changes in your daily habits."
-Nancy B. Urbach

31. "Everybody has some form of misfortune in their life. It's how you overcome and make peace with your issues that distinguishes your viewpoint."
-Nancy B. Urbach
32. "Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and consideration for boundaries, can lead you to the path of personal happiness."
-Nancy B. Urbach
33. "When you respect your time, others will do the same."
-Nancy B. Urbach
34. "Your biggest failure can create your future successes!"
-Nancy B. Urbach
35. "Change is only possible if you are willing to go a new direction."
-Nancy B. Urbach
36. "You're allowed to take all the time you need before making a big decision. Don't allow others to pressure you for their timetable. It's your life, your time, and your choice."
-Nancy B. Urbach
37. "I am grateful for the lessons and I am ready for the adventures"
-Nancy B. Urbach
38. "It's more entertaining with a good friend."
-Nancy B. Urbach
39. "When you wake in the morning take a moment of gratitude to remind yourself of all the blessings you have, whether they be big or small they are still yours to appreciate."
-Nancy B. Urbach
40. "Reading a few powerful words or hearing a beautiful melody can cause you to reach for that motivation that was in you all along."
-Nancy B. Urbach

41. “Self-discovery is a continuous action. We are meant to be ever changing and growing through the cycles of life.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
42. “Finding any amount of peace in your day, can make the difficult times more bearable.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
43. “It’s in tough times, you will find your strength to persevere.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
44. “Self-happiness can be attained with consistent daily adjustments and practices that bring you joy”
-Nancy B. Urbach
45. “Finding yourself after many years, is a treasure like no other.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
46. “Give yourself permission to pause all the noise and just relax.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
47. “Do not be intimidated but motivated by one another’s accomplishments.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
48. “I’ve always loved finding things in my environment that bring me joy and excitement! How fun it is to become aware of your surroundings!”
-Nancy B. Urbach
49. “The memories of our past can open new doors to understanding today.”
-Nancy B. Urbach
50. “Loving yourself has never been more important than it is right now.”
-Nancy B. Urbach